In 2014 Murdered: Soul Suspect was released for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and PC by Airtight Games and Square Enix. The game tells the story of the rather unorthodox detective Ronan O’Connor in the present-day fictional town of Salem. The only problem is; Ronan is dead and wanders through the game looking for his own murderer: the Bell Killer. Will Ronan solve the murder to rejoin his long-dead wife Julia? We’ll find out soon!
One Dimensional
Where this game shines is the story and the atmosphere. The game is dark and gritty and just feels like a great murder mystery. However, you might call the gameplay a little rushed and one dimensional. There are few options to wander off the beaten path. In the end this never annoyed me, because it kept me on the right track to follow the interesting story.
Murdered: Soul Suspect, risky?
Being Airtight Games last game, Murdered: Soul Suspect ultimately prooved a little to risky for the video game studio. The game was released during the transitional period between the seventh and eighth generations of gaming, which might be bad timing. I just do not understand why this game doesn’t get a bit more love. It never annoyed me when it comes to bugs or glitches, so what is it?
Hidden Gem Alert
Although the game scores a 59 Metacritic score at most on all five platforms it was released for, the game is pretty great! Being a little short (7 hours), it offers a great story and some interesting gameplay mechanics. While it’s negatives are a lackluster combat mechanism and next to no replayability; I am convinced that this game deserves a lot more attention than it received up till this day. Murdered: Soul Suspect is dispite a few flaws a pretty competent experience that shouldn’t be missed.
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