Scrolling through the seamlessly endless movie offerings, I encountered the 2022 feature film Chip ‘n Dale. It immediately reminds me of my childhood, where Chip ‘n Dale were two of the most beloved Disney characters. I even had a pair of female twin friends during my youth, who resembled the duo a lot because of their looks and squeaky voices. Anyway, enough memories to catch up on during the runtime of the movie. However, I was in for a big surprise. Continue reading
Video On Demand
Why Disney Plus Isn’t Worth Subscribing to (Yet)
So Disney Plus is here. At least in The Netherlands. A new VOD-competitor in a market that is quickly becoming a little bit crowded. The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest media conglomerates that actually dares to enter the VOD-market with its own streaming platform. The Netherlands is lucky to be the test market and as I am living there, I am willing to share you a few reasons why this new VOD platform will not be the one you should sign up for (yet). Off we go! Continue reading