Pandemix Rising Tide

Rising Tide: Even better than the original Pandemic

During this ongoing covid-19 pandemic I’ve been playing and discovering a lot of boardgames. For instance the original Pandemic, which of course come quite close to reality nowadays. I really enjoyed the fact that you play with your friends against the game, but somehow the game doesn’t really stick. Something was missing and I can’t really put my finger on it. Until I played the exciting spin-off Pandemic Rising Tide off course. Continue reading

Disney Plus logos

Why Disney Plus Isn’t Worth Subscribing to (Yet)

So Disney Plus is here. At least in The Netherlands. A new VOD-competitor in a market that is quickly becoming a little bit crowded. The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest media conglomerates that actually dares to enter the VOD-market with its own streaming platform. The Netherlands is lucky to be the test market and as I am living there, I am willing to share you a few reasons why this new VOD platform will not be the one you should sign up for (yet). Off we go! Continue reading