
Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS offers the best!

Super Mario Maker is a great game for Wii U and it even spawned a better sequel for the Nintendo Switch. However, during a week of being sick, I discovered a barely played copy of the 3DS version of the game. I decided to dive in and after a few hours I was pretty surprised why this game doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Here’s why Super Mario Maker 3DS is essential! Continue reading

Mario Kart 64 logo

9 Classic Couch Multiplayer Games You Must Play Right Now

With modern video games mainly focussing on online multiplayer, local multiplayer slowly fades into oblivion. However during the good old days there were a few awesome titles that deserve some attention and are still incredibly fun to play. Here are 9 amazing classic couch multiplayer games you should play right now! Continue reading

Artwork F-Zero Snes

F-Zero’s Disappearance: Why Nintendo Keeps Teasing Fans

It’s been a while. Actually, it has been more than ten years now since we have seen a new entry in the F-Zero series. A shame if you ask me, because Nintendo fans all over the world can’t wait to play a new game in the franchise. It bugs me that Nintendo doesn’t listen to its fans. They just keep their mouth shut about the continuation of the series. It also bugs me even more that Nintendo is constantly teasing their fans with nods to the futuristic racing series in other games. C’mon guys! Continue reading