Crazy Japanese Video Games

7 Crazy Japanese Games you should know of as a gamer

Japan, the land of the rising sun and the craziest people on earth. You might know about those weird Japanese tv shows, but they are also very good in developing insane video games. Let’s go crazy with these 7 Crazy Japanese games you should know about if you want to call yourself a gamer. Continue reading

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

Top 5 Bad Games That Became Surprisingly Huge Hits

We’ve seen a lot of bad games over the last ten years. Some of these titles became huge hits, which is a shame of course. Here is the top 5 bad games that became huge hits. And by huge hits, we mean the game at least sold more than one million copies. Now be honest, which of these games did you buy? Continue reading

Mario Kart 64 logo

9 Classic Couch Multiplayer Games You Must Play Right Now

With modern video games mainly focussing on online multiplayer, local multiplayer slowly fades into oblivion. However during the good old days there were a few awesome titles that deserve some attention and are still incredibly fun to play. Here are 9 amazing classic couch multiplayer games you should play right now! Continue reading