Top 5 Vampires in Games

Top 5 Vampires in Gaming

Vampires are eternal. Hundreds of years ago these folklore creatures scared the shit out of people and even now vampires are leading figures in movies and video games. So let’s hide in the shadows, cause here is our top 5 vampires in gaming! Continue reading

Top 5 Skateboarding games

Top 5 Skateboarding games

Around the millennium and early zeroes, Tony Hawk was one of the biggest video game icons and Activision’s skateboarding games were crazy popular. Nowadays almost nobody gives a damn now, though celebrating retrogames is a good excuse to remember all these great skateboarding games from the past. Remember, one entry per franchise to make the list a bit more diverse. Let’s take a look at the best skateboarding video games to date. Continue reading

top 5 Bizarre Love Simulators

Top 5 – Bizarre Love Simulators

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and love is in the air! While gaming and love don’t exactly go hand in hand there have some interesting dating sims over the years. Especially the Japanese know how to spice up this genre with some freaky games. So without further ado, here is our top 5 most bizarre love simulators ever!  Continue reading

Video Game Controllers

7 worst gaming controllers ever made

A good console is nothing without a good controller. It’s extremely hard to make something that everyone likes judging by the pieces of crap platform holders have made over the years. Here seven of the worst gaming controllers ever made! Continue reading

Top 5 – Hottest Summer Videogames

It’s almost summer and this means hot temperatures, cooling down at the beach and a lot of tanning. Time for summer videogames, right?! Compared to daytime, the nights can be pretty cold, so here are the five summer videogames to keep you warm during these cool summer nights. Continue reading

Crazy Japanese Video Games

7 Crazy Japanese Games you should know of as a gamer

Japan, the land of the rising sun and the craziest people on earth. You might know about those weird Japanese tv shows, but they are also very good in developing insane video games. Let’s go crazy with these 7 Crazy Japanese games you should know about if you want to call yourself a gamer. Continue reading

Top 5 Worst Football Games

Top 5 – Worst Football Video Games

We are having a blast playing the new versions of FIFA and PES. However, the following games aren’t that much of a laugh to play and can be considered as the worst the genre has to offer. And not only because the majority of the games calls the beautiful game ‘soccer’ instead of ‘football’ in their title. Here is the top 5 worst football video games. Continue reading

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

Top 5 Bad Games That Became Surprisingly Huge Hits

We’ve seen a lot of bad games over the last ten years. Some of these titles became huge hits, which is a shame of course. Here is the top 5 bad games that became huge hits. And by huge hits, we mean the game at least sold more than one million copies. Now be honest, which of these games did you buy? Continue reading

Zelda best memories

7 best Zelda moments of all time

The Legend of Zelda exists for 30 years now. To commemorate this, I picked the seven best Zelda moments spanning the franchise. And of course this means that minor spoilers are up ahead. Are you ready to go on a great adventure? Continue reading

Best Pokémon Spin-offs

Top 5 Pokémon Spin-Offs

The popularity of Pokémon has become massive since the release of the mobile phone spin-off Pokémon Go. The franchise had loads of awesome spin-off games over the years. Here are the five best Pokémon spin-offs we’ve played in the last two decades. Continue reading